POSTED ON: Saturday, 24 December 2011 @ 03:47 | 0 comments
Hello and Assalamualaikum hari ni nampak nya stay up lagi lah sampai subuh. Hari - hari stay up sampai subuh. Sebab tak mengantuk, kalau stay up sampai subuh, teman seburung hantu ialah Ayunina anak Pakcik Yazid, kadang kadang Hazim Imran. Kadang kadang peah *wan nurul afiqah* TEEHEE. Ni nak cerita, 22. 12. 2011 aku stay up sampai subuh, then, dalam pukul 12 sampai 5 pagi, aku kena kacau. Dengan 'something'. Sejak aku kena nightmare yang gila seram, sejak tu aku kena kacau, hurmm. Tapi aku kena kacau sekali je, nightmare 2 kali. Lepas tu, aku pasang yasin, kuat kuat. Then dah rasa okay sikit, aku still tak tutup yasin, aku pasang yasin sampai azan subuh. Lepas tu, aku ingat nak tidur malam, biar aku tidur awal, ni tak jadi, pukul 1 dah mengantuk gile, last last aku tidur sampai maghrib, hurm nampak nye kena stay up sampai subuh lagi, lepas tu, peah dengan ayu teman aku. Kitaorang mengimbas kenangan lalu, time darjah 3 dengan darjah 4. Best doh, lepas dah lama sikit tu, si ayu anak pakcik yazid tu pergi off tetibe lepas azan subuh tu, aku tau dia pergi solat kot. Lepas azan subuh, Hazim on. So chat ar dengan dia, merapu. Trololololol. Hahaha, lepas tu on twitter. Lol, dia cakap imran tengah masturbating. Hahaha, gila. Entah entah imran tengah solat subuh ke, mane la nak tau kan. Lepas 10 minit kot, Hazim nak off, dia cakap nak off, nak pergi Perak, bercuti. Best woi! pergi kampung Imran. Hahaha, lepas tu harini, shesh mengantuk oh. Lepas tu aku tidur pukul 10, kunci jam pukul 2, then best layan tidur, pastu dah pukul 2, jam pun dah bunyi, aku ngantuk lagi, aku tidur balik, pukul 5 baru bangun. Hurm, nampak nya kene stay up lagi lah kan, tapi takpe, Ayu cakap nak teman kan aku. Jyeah! Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarokatuh.Atoto.
POSTED ON: Tuesday, 20 December 2011 @ 08:41 | 0 comments
Hari ni, hari paling meluat & boring ever. Meluat, first abang aku asyik cari gadoh like a boss, -.- . Lepas dah meluat bergaduh tu, aku terus pergi tidur, atoii, lama meh tidur, sekarang tak boleh tidur dah . Lepas tu, kawan aku yang rajin stay up together hari ni tak boleh nak stay up. Sebab kantoi dengan ayah die . Adush -.- what a boring dayy. Takpetakpe, Haiza ade. *kening kening*. Okaylah. GTG nak update tumblr dengan tweet dekat twitter, layan Nigahiga, Habbo pulak. LOL, banyaknya aktiviti. Tapi still Forever Alone level: 76.Mood : Alim ^^
POSTED ON: Saturday, 17 December 2011 @ 04:04 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, diucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Ika sebab sudi edit blog aku ni. ^^ Semoga Allah memberi pahala yang berlipat ganda.Won't come back to Twitter.
POSTED ON: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 @ 01:46 | 0 comments
You might have heard this a lot "you don't know how it feels, because you're not in my shoes" but have you actually ever tried to put yourself in my shoes? Yes, you can say it's easy to handle but essentially you don't know what i've been through. The reason i'm deactivating all of those accounts is not because i wanna run away from everything, i'm just tired of these immature people.On a brighter note, i'm truly sorry but i won't come back to Twitter. That's my own decision. I've thought of doing this awhile ago, and i guess the time has come. You know, sometimes you need to sacrifice the most important thing in your life. I just did, and i keep on moving forward in life with no regrets.
Some people live for the fame but not me. I guess i don't even need it in my life. It's killing me in silence. Once you get into it, there's no turning back.
To anyone who believe those fake accounts/pages that are using my pictures and admit themselves as Miyyo Azman or Captain Kidrauhl, i'm sorry you've been fooled. I do not own them and whoever created it, I'm sorry to say but you look really pathetic and lifeless. You are supposed to do something else better than this. So what i need you guys to do now is please make a report about those fake accounts/pages. I recommend you to do this right away after you read this post. This is the last request from your captain. Thank you :)
p/s: I'm sorry for everything. Don't forget me.
POSTED ON: Wednesday, 7 December 2011 @ 04:35 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum, hi. Haa, kali ni saye dah tak speaking dah. Kenapa? malas.. hahaha. Okeh, saya suka sangat tengok gambar - gambar yang cantik dan menarik, paling penting saya suka tengok gambar yang ditangkap menggunakan kamera DSLR atau yang sewaktu dengannya. Saya teringin sangat nak ada kamera DSLR tu.I always support you, Miyyo Azman. Alwaysss...
POSTED ON: Tuesday, 6 December 2011 @ 08:53 | 0 comments
Well, i know.I'm too much, right?
btw I just don't understands why you have to delete all video that
you've made?
You good in that Miyyo.
Ignore all about your haters!
They just being jealous with you.
There is still me, and all your fans are supporting you.
Be strong man.
I've read your blog ):
You know, act you made me think about how hard to be famous.
Yeah, maybe the others see that being famous is nice but its not.
You know, act you made me think about how hard to be famous.
Yeah, maybe the others see that being famous is nice but its not.
Miyyo, you are too nice (:
" Always being nice to people. It's okay if they hurt you. At least you don't hurt people "
Whoah, Miyyo.
How can you face all of them and hold against the word?
If I in your place I surely run.
Leave all of that.
You got a strong spirit Miyyo.
" Always being nice to people. It's okay if they hurt you. At least you don't hurt people "
Whoah, Miyyo.
How can you face all of them and hold against the word?
If I in your place I surely run.
Leave all of that.
You got a strong spirit Miyyo.
I proud of you.
One thing that I love about you is you always reply your fan's mention.
Its awesome.
People nowdays hard to entertain their fans when they getting famous.
But not you.
One thing that I love about you is you always reply your fan's mention.
Its awesome.
People nowdays hard to entertain their fans when they getting famous.
But not you.
I do love your style.
Btw, I favorite all your mention to me.
I get your permission to write about you.
Thanks Miyyo.
Me love you.
Btw, I favorite all your mention to me.
I get your permission to write about you.
Thanks Miyyo.
Me love you.
POSTED ON: @ 03:54 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum, today is a sad day, because Miyyo Azman... His account was deactive by himself. The last time he opens his Twitter at 4 in the morning. He said that " I'm leaving ". I asked, where you want to go? he say " Deactive my both account at twitter and Facebook". After that, he don't replied. I understand, maybe his girlfriend was mad at him. It's okay.And now, his name in trend at twitter, he became so famous now. His name at fourth place. I always support you. I love You Miyyo <3